A variety of home-grown and commercial specials were featured on KLRB: The King Biscuit Flour Hour, BBC Rock Hour, The Rumple-Foreskin Show with Paul Krassner, Doc Rock and Marvin Mystic, The Rap Race, Radio Free Women, and, of course, Pastor Flash's Transatlantic Musical Revue.
Some other special programs included:
Each week, Genial Johnny and "Polio Ferrari" dug deep into the, the... well, here, let Genial tell you.
KLRB broadcast ZBS Media's outstanding, modern serialized radio dramas: The Fourth Tower of Inverness, Moon over Morocco, Taj Express, etc. Here, completely at random, is one of the episodes. You may recall The Wurlitzer of Wisdom and that the series was produced by someone with the unlikely name of Meatball Fulton. BTW - the series is still available for download or purchase.